Thursday, 10 January 2019

Happy Paws - pause and breathing time!

Rocky - black Dachshund came into our life as a 3 months old puppy 5 years ago. After an year or so Bear - a meek weak abandoned street dog adopted us who is white as fur. We wonder how god sent us exactly opposite colored dogs.

I have seen them turning into brown color when they dig our garden searching for termites or rats. Else there is absolutely no changes in their routine life. Eat, roam around, sleep and repeat.

Rocky has duck eyes. He can get as broody as possible sometimes. He goes on diet more than us but barks at top of his voice more than his size when he is hungry. He joins chorus in mournful voice of passing ambulance, very playful at times, pees inside house in anger when he is without us for hours. He is highly aggressive. Likes to hunt squirrels, cats, monkeys which appear in our garden. Always likes us to pet him. He has a long tail to wag when he is beaconing us near him. He is all grown up now but still expects us to spoonfeed pedigree.

Bear has very expressive lovely kohled eyes. He gets moody only when we nurse him for his wounds and he can go into hibernation for a month long as a sign of protest. He is hungry forever and always keeps an eye on our moves expecting us to feed him all the time. He doesn't allow Rocky to go near him when his food is around. Such possessive he is about food. He doesn't care to bark if strangers happen to pass by. He is more composed and calm. He likes to nuzzle around only me and less with other family members. His tail is blunt since we first saw him. He can bully you and make you fall down on the floor in excitement or while playful.

When both the dogs are around me I get to relax. It's a happy time for me. I get time to pause and breath out of my busy schedule. I forget my worries totally. That's how we bond.

Animals can be cunning, aggressive, dominant or submissive. But if you observe them closely, they fight for two things predominantly - one for food to survive and one for female. We humans in the course of going beyond survival needs, have exploited ourselves.

Along with evoution of science and techology, human nature like being pessimistic, cynical, selfishness, offensive, annoying, destructive, love & hate etc are dominating, nature like goodness, humble, truthful etc. Human nature is so complex. It can not be changed overnight. It's deeprooted within us.

Ok...It's time to feed my sons now. So leaving you with this quote :: "human nature is not black and white but black and grey" - Graham Greene

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